Energy storage system made in UAE: enlightening clean energy for the modern world
Energy storage system made in UAE: enlightening clean energy for the modern world
BOOK A CALLDemand: clean and free electric power
Solution: complete with solar panels, VOLTS provides users with opportunity to reserve and use clean electric power and become a prosumer.
Location: everywhere in the world
Demand: inexpensive electricity incountries with high tariffs that vary depending on generation, time of day andyear and force users to adjust their schedule (turn on powerful appliances) toa cheap tariff.
Solution: by simple algorithm VOLTS storagesand reserves electricity during those hours when it is expensive, and people will use it when it is needed, without being tied to a tariff and time. Theycan enjoy their life and don’t worry about changing tariffs and overpayment.
Location: Nord pool, Europe
Demand: in some countries power outages are a frequent occurrence. Residents and homeowners use fuel generators to have power during the power outages. In some places there is not permanent outages, but blackouts and interruptions that damage electrical appliances. Their inhabitants are also forced to reserve electricity.
Solution: VOLTS doesn’t require a separate room, fuel and doesn’t produce any emissions, replaces the generator. Even a child can use it and it does not require any maintenance.
Location: Africa, Iran, Lebanon, Russia
Demand: places with no electrical networks: remote locations, deserts, mountains, far from megacities settlements. There are a lot of agricultural enterprises in the deserts, besides, today some people prefer build houses and eco-villages far from civilization, someone settle glampings, mountain shelters or a hidden hotel. It’s very expensive or impossible to establish electrical networks in the places like this.
Solution: several VOLTS and solar panels form a solar power plant that can power objects with different consumption. The number of VOLTS capacity modules can vary from one to eight. So the power of device can be increased, VOLTS flexible adapts according to the needs of each object.
Location: MENA, Europe, Asia
Demand: there is limited power in the house, but additional power is needed for new buildings and appliances. Extra power for small business.
Solution: VOLS storages and reserves up to 48 kW*H mv of electricity and increases the total power of the object.
Location: UAE, Saudi, Qatar
Demand: clean and free electric power
Solution: complete with solar panels, VOLTS provides users with opportunity to reserve and use clean electric power and become a prosumer.
Location: everywhere in the world
Demand: inexpensive electricity incountries with high tariffs that vary depending on generation, time of day andyear and force users to adjust their schedule (turn on powerful appliances) toa cheap tariff.
Solution: by simple algorithm VOLTS storagesand reserves electricity during those hours when it is expensive, and people will use it when it is needed, without being tied to a tariff and time. Theycan enjoy their life and don’t worry about changing tariffs and overpayment.
Location: Nord pool, Europe
Demand: in some countriespower outages are a frequent occurrence. Residents and homeowners use fuel generators to have power during the power outages. In some places there is not permanent outages, but blackouts and interruptions that damage electrical appliances. Their inhabitants are also forced to reserve electricity.
Solution: VOLTS doesn’t require a separate room, fuel and doesn’t produce any emissions, replaces the generator. Even a child can use it and it does not require any maintenance.
Location: Africa, Iran,Lebanon, Russia
Demand: places with no electrical networks: remote locations, deserts, mountains, far from megacities settlements. There are a lot of agricultural enterprises in the deserts, besides, today some people prefer build houses and eco-villages far from civilization, someone settle glampings, mountain shelters or a hidden hotel. It’s very expensive or impossible to establish electrical networks in the places like this.
Solution: several VOLTS and solar panels form a solar power plant that can power objects with different consumption. The number of VOLTS capacity modules can vary from one to eight. So the power of device can be increased, VOLTS flexible adapts according to the needs of each object.
Location: MENA,Europe, Asia
Demand: there is limited power in the house, but additional power is needed for new buildings andappliances. Extra power for small business.
Solution: VOLS storages and reserves up to 48 kW*H mv of electricity and increases the total power of the object.
Location: UAE, Saudi, Qatar
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